Our primary carrier is FedEx, and all orders that we fulfill will ship with a tracking number.
You will be updated through email with a tracking number for each package that ships. Due to the size of our products, we are unable to ship multiple items in one box. Each item will ship on the same day; however, they may arrive to you at different times as they individually travel through the parcel system. Items that ship separately generally arrive within two business days of each other.
Your tracking numbers will provide you with an estimated delivery date that may be subject to change. FedEx will deliver your order without a signature requirement, and you do not have to be home to sign for your packages.
In some cases, you may receive a door tag containing information about your shipments. FedEx may leave a door tag for the following reasons:
1. The package was delivered but placed someplace other than in plain sight to minimize theft or damage. The door tag will indicate where it was left.
2. Delivery was attempted. For packages where the delivery was only attempted, the door tag will confirm another delivery attempt for the following business day.
Need more information about door tags? Click here.
Conveniently manage your deliveries from the comfort of your own home with FedEx Delivery Manager! Using the delivery manager, you may add delivery instructions or a buzzer code, hold packages for a future delivery date, redirect to a FedEx facility for pick up, and more! Learn about its capabilities here.
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